Khamis, 18 Ogos 2016

Padawan Raft Safari 2016

Padawan Raft Safari is back.
River Safari in Padawan is a bamboo rafting competition.  The journey down river, which will take more than three and a half hours, passes some amazing picturesque scenes and rapids which are the natural obstacles of the Safari.

Juara 2016
Participants will battle the river current starting from Kpg Annah RaisKpg Temurang and Kpg Danu (flag-off from 7:00 am to 9:00a.m. according to category)with everyone finishing atKpg Git (closing ceremony at 3:00 p.m.).  The approximated distance for the Rafting Expert and Kayaking Category is 40 km, Men Open Rafting 26 km, Women, Government Departments and Hotels & Tour Agencies Rafting 22 km.
Picture yourself in a bamboo raft with family or friends crushing down a crystal clear river and surrounded by the beautiful scenery of Mother Nature all along the way.  That is what the Padawan Raft Safari is about, a chance to get close to nature, enjoy its natural wealth and possibly win attractive prizes too!

Kelihatan para peserta sedang berehat selepas menamatkan keyuhan rakit mereka

The events had been held for since 2004 and the main reasons why many participants come back to this river are the great scenery and chances to get close up to nature along the ride down the river. With dense forest lining either side of the river bank, the huge outcrop of rock at various stretches of the river is a marvel to see. The water is relatively clean and of varying depths.
There will be a total of approximately 40 km for the Rafting Expert category and Kayaking and 26 km for the other rafting categories along the Sungai Sarawak Kiri.
Rafting Category:
1. Expert
2. Men Open
3. Women
4. Government Departments
5. Hotels & Tour Agencies

Antara gelagat penonton yang turut hadir menyaksikan Kejohanan

 Let your family and friends enjoy the kayak and bamboo raft ride down the crystal clear river water, surrounded by beautiful mother nature scenery all the way. Attractive cash prizes and trophies to be won with reasonable entry fees. Souvenirs, arts and crafts, cultural and local entertainment with sales of local food delicacies are also available to make it an enjoyable and memorable day for all.

Rakit yang sudah sampai di garisan penamat  dikumpul

Acara penyampaian hadiah dan sijil penyertaan kepada para peserta oleh 
YB Datuk Dr Jerip Susil, Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri bagi N17 Mambong

Kelihatan para penonton di garisan penamat menunggu
 ketibaan pasukan kesayangan mereka

Gambaran dari atas menunjukkan pasukan bertanding 
sedang berusaha untuk mengatasi pasukan lawan masing-masing.

 Gotong royong membuat dan menyiapkan rakit 

 Bersiap sedia untuk memulakan pertandingan digarisan permulaan
 Meriah suasana di garisan permulaan

 Kelihatan hakim di garisan penamat

 Gaya pasukan Juara bersama dengan 
YB Datuk Dr Jerip Susil ADUN Mambong

 Keputusan keseluruhan 

 Antara tetamu yang hadir menyaksikan kejohanan

Padawan Raft Safari telah pun dijadikan aktiviti tahunan dan diadakan pada setiap tahun dalam bulan Ogos. Ianya juga sebagai aktiviti untuk menyambut hari Kemerdekaan. Oleh itu bagi yang berminat untuk menyertai dan menempah rakit yang standard boleh PM terus nombor berikut; 
0168939067 atau 0135603122

Sehingga berjumpa di tahun depan

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