Jumaat, 4 Mac 2016

Kampung Pain Bojong


Kampung Pain Bojong is a low lying village that has existed in the region according to oral history records, as early as 1893. We’ve been here since 1893. They great grandparents by the name of Saang and Sandung cleared Bung Jogong for their first settlement after they came down from Bung Kiding in 1893. There were quite a number of families at Bung Jogong by that time before they decided to split and migrate to Sait and some to Pain. In 1984, our village was
razed by fire, then we moved further up to the place called
Bojong in 1985, which is our present settlement.

Built on the banks of the Sarawak Kiri river, Bojong is the closest village to the dam construction site. A few of its men work for the construction company as labourers, but many would prefer not to leave. There are 54 families in this Kampung.

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