Jumaat, 4 Mac 2016

Kampung Rejoi


Getting to Kampung Rejoi we crossed several impeccably
engineered bridges made from bamboo and wire strung over the
Sarawak Kiri river. Established, well tendered gardens run the
perimeter of many of the homes in Rejoi, each built with timber or concrete. Tiled bathrooms, ample kitchens and well kept social areas are common. Many houses had man-made ponds nearby provide with ready access to fish for eating. These are lovely homes of a welcoming and generous people. Both Semban and Rejoi villagers are descendants from a people called the Biemban or ’people of Emban’, named after the Emban River. 

Their early leaders and warriors were legendary, fiercely defending their settlements. The Sarawak Gazette, in articles published from 1885 to 1887, described the Semban as living in an area that would, in later years be known as Semban Native Customary Rights Land. Kampung Rejoi is situated on this land. Fish, rice, chicken, wild boar and fruit are the staple of all the Kampungs in the region. Kampung farms support cash crops such as pepper, rubber, pineapple and cocoa. Locally grown food include rice, papaya and durian... One had to be reminded that everything else is carried into these villages, from tinned food to generators and the fuel
to power them.

One old ladies show her skill on carring and transporting a plank of wood which they used ti build thier home. Now this skill was left behind when they choose to move to the new resettlement which is call BRS.

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