Jumaat, 4 Mac 2016

Kampung Semban


Kampung Semban Teleg, the highest of all four villages, and the most difficult to reach, is home to a small number of elderly women known for the gold rings they wear around their arms and ankles. A tradition, some say, that grew at the time the Chinese had established trading routes along the west coast of Borneo as early as the twelfth century. Semban is a well established community only requiring an access road to improve conditions here. Despite being well above the proposed catchment, the residents of Semban will also be relocated. 

The development’s Environmental Impact Assessment refers to a proposed Resort for the region. It’s unlikely the resort’s developers would want their residents to look out over Sarawak’s newest man-made lake onto the inhabitants of a Bidayuh village.

Antara tarikan utama di Kampung Seman,Teleg adalah golongan perempuan yang menggunakan gelang yang diperbuat daripada tembaga di kaki dan pergelengan tangan mereka. Budaya cara berpakaian yang unik ini tidak pernah dijumpai di mana-mana tempat di seluruh dunia.

Sebahagian daripada kaum wanita sedang memperagakan gelang tembaga di kaki mereka.

Kaum wanita sedang membuat gelang tembaga untuk digunakan pada musim perayaan. Kemahiran ini akan cuma tinggal kenangan dan sejarah sejak mereka berpindah dan menetap di penempatan baru atau BRS.

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